The impact that world war two had on households was desirable. Desirable is strong and what i mean about desirable is that the government was desired to help the militarily prepare for war and was not doing these things to benefit themselves. During this time, people standard of living changed for a bit. The government and the military played a major role in that crisis. For an example, in document 1, the government needed help from the citizens. They needed them to limit the things that they normally would do like go to the grocery store so that they can help save food for the military which would make them beneficial. For instance, there were a high demand for raw materials and supplies. Meats , sugars , fats , oils , produced foods , coffee , and gasoline were all rationed. Ration is when the citizens had to limit their purchases so that it could be left over food and other beneficial times for the military. These items were rationed because they were the most valuable items during that time and some of them want renewable sources. Many thought this idea was bad but the people who were for the military thought that was a good idea because it can save money and benefit at the same time. This allows us to see that the United States citizens were limited on the items that they could purchase just to help the military, it also allows us to see that the citizens had to change their standard of living for that time. In conclusion , we see a major focus on culture and economics. We see a major focus on culture because we see how the citizens standard of living was during that time and we also see how the rules and policies was back then. we see a major focus on economics because the government needed money to help support the military and things like rationing was a big factor. This was important because it helped me understand why things like rationing was done and the past and it showed me how the United States citizens was living during that time. This Document/ topic helped me understand more about the past dealing with world war two. Perhaps people she be glad that we don’t have to go through that the same process as some of the citizens had to go through in the past when its war time.